Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Design For Life

The series featuring Philipe Starck does give us IDES students a real insight to the inner workings of the design world we ourselves are vying to get into. Though Starck himself might be portrayed as an egotistical prick, the knowledge base and experience he has does show through when dealing with the projects the various participants undertake. Anyone can have ideas, but to have ideas good enough to have clients pay for them, and design as a job does require a very high level of commitment, enthusiasm and hard work as the participants on the show general tend to illustrate.
Another great point that Starck tries to plant into these young designers, is also to look at their own designs, and question whether or not it could be turned into a necessity. Starck challenges them to design for a purpose, rather than to come up with something, only because they have to. This really does put what we have done so far in studios into perspective. Enabling us to be more consistent in our future designs as we learn from our tutors and experiences that we encounter in life.

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